With specialist facilities, including the UK’s longest duration hypersonic wind tunnel which is part of the UK National Wind Tunnel Facilities (NWTF), we’re pioneering the flow control technologies and measurement techniques of tomorrow.
We’re providing partners with the new insight of how technologies will behave in the air, and our world-leading methods of visualising flow enable unprecedented insights into complex flows. From bumblebees to hypersonic aircraft, we have the resources to research the spectrum of aerodynamics.
We offer one of the UK’s most comprehensive combinations of aerodynamic facilities. It includes:
A network of eight wind tunnels covering the subsonic to hypersonic flow regimes
A purpose-built cold gas rig to assess and measure flow control in flight operations
Unique robotic experimental rigs for insect-like flapping wing aerodynamics measurements
The state-of-the-art flow measurement instrumentations for undertaking a wide range of high-quality point, surface and field measurements
A 2mx2m wind tunnel facility dedicated to sport aerodynamics and athletic performance
This combination of world-leading and purpose-built capability means we support partners such as European Space Agency, Rolls Royce, BAE Systems, Aircraft Research Association and Dyson Technology Ltd to lead innovation in their sectors.
We specialise in developing novel instrumentations and experimental techniques, devising nature-inspired solutions, addressing challenges such as air-breathing engines, driving advances in sectors such as aviation, automotive and aerospace, and preparing the next generation of engineers.

Our impact
Our unique combination of experimental facilities and world-leading measurement techniques enable us to see physics in action and collaborate with partners to devise solutions ready for the real world.
Speak to our experts

Dr Mostafa Nabawy
Reader in Aerospace Engineering
- Aerodynamics
- Design of aerial vehicles
- Biomechanics

Professor Shan Zhong
Professor of experimental fluid mechanics
- Experimental Aerodynamics
- Flow control

Dr Mark Quinn
Senior Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering
- Transonic and supersonic aerodynamics
- Experimental aerodynamics
- Experimental design